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DOC Published in Moldova's Official Journal. Notion of ''high treason'' to be clearer regulated in legislation

14:26 | 07.06.2024 Category: Social

Chisinau, 7 June /MOLDPRES/ - The notion of ‘’high treason’’ will be clearer regulated in the legislation. The amendments adopted by the parliament were published in the Official Journal (Monitorul Oficial) today.  

The document’s authors says that the amendment was worked out, in order to consolidate the normative framework in the field of ensuring the state’s security and combat the criminal activity which regards the sovereignty, independence, unity, indivisibility, security and defence capacity of Moldova.  

Thus, the Criminal Code will stipulate that ‘’the high treason, i.e. the deed committed deliberately by a citizen of the Republic of Moldova against the sovereignty, independence, unity, indivisibility, security or defence capacity of the Republic of Moldova, in the interest of a foreign state, foreign organization, an anti-constitutional entity or their representatives, is expressed by: adhering to the enemy during war or armed conflict; espionage; divulging of the state secret; providing assistance for the carrying out of hostile activities against the state’s security.’’  

Thus, the amendments aim at giving this indictment rule a better clarity, through laying down the essential features of the criminal deeds which define the high treason, as well as the protection of the fundamental values of the state’s existence, which are clearly laid down in the Constitution.

At the same time, the law sees that ‘’the providing of assistance for the carrying out of hostile activities against the state’s security is to be interpreted based on the provision of the Article 4 of the Law on State’s Security.’’

The document enters into force three months following the date of its publication in the Official Journal.




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