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European Commission says Moldova, Ukraine prepared for starting negotiations on accession to EU

14:45 | 07.06.2024 Category: Political

Chisinau, 7 June /MOLDPRES/ - The European Commission today conveyed to the EU ambassadors that Moldova and Ukraine had fulfilled the conditions for starting the negotiations on accession to the European Union.   

„We believe that all stages have been fulfilled by the two countries. Now, the decision is up to the member states,’’ the spokeswoman of the Commission said.

Also, on 5 June, a group of 11 out of those 27 EU member states asked the Belgian presidency of the EU Council to adopt this month the frameworks of negotiation for the accession of Moldova and Ukraine to EU, in order to be able to summon the intergovernmental conferences with the two countries in the end of this month.  

Prime Minister Dorin Recean has recently said that the Moldovan authorities ‘’target the end of June’’ for the official opening of the negotiations on the accession of Moldova to the European Union. ‘’The government will be prepared with all its homework, so that we can officially open the negotiations.’’ the PM noted.    

In December 2023, the European Council ruled to open the negotiations on the accession of Moldova to EU and on 13 March this year, the European Commission submitted the draft framework for negotiation with Moldova to the European Council for examination.  



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