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PHOTO GALLERY Graduates of Nicolae Testemitanu Medical University of Moldova take oath of physician and pharmacist

16:35 | 12.06.2024 Category: Social

Chisinau, 12 June /MOLDPRES/ - Over 1,000 graduates of the Nicolae Testemitanu State University of Medicine and Pharmacy (USMF) today took the oath of physician and pharmacist.   

The event took place at the Chisinau Arena. Attending the ceremony were President Maia Sandu, Health Minister Ala Nemerenco, representatives of diplomatic missions in Chisinau, the USMF administration, professors, students and parents.   

Head of state Maia Sandu said that the profession of physician came with more challenges, but it is indispensable for any society. The official urged the young people for the oath taken today to guide them during all the life in the daily work. a

„It is not easy for one to be medical student. You have got to be here today due to the perseverance and discipline, labour capacity and devotion for the profession chosen. Physician and pharmacist represent one the most important professions in the society. Thank you for having made this choice. I appreciate the professionalism and self-denial of all physicians from our country and I rely on you – future young specialists. You studied at the Nicolae Testemitanu USMF at syllabi accredited internationally. The professors shared their experience and they deserve your appreciation for this. The medical science evolves quickly and saves lives. In the profession chosen, the learning never ends. Today, you take the oath – a sacred and honest commitment to save lives and help the people to be healthy. May this commitment guide you during all your life,’’ Maia Sandu said.     

The Moldovan president urged the young people to remain and work in Moldova, where the development of the health system represents a priority for the authorities. 

„We need you here – at home. The health system went through more difficulties, but it has a strong foundation. The authorities work for the enhancement of the capacities of the medical institutions of the country. In the last years, the government has invested 2.4 billion lei for the renovation of the hospitals from Moldova. It is about the endowment of the institutions with new equipment, distribution of ambulances, development of the medical institutions’ infrastructure. We managed to increase the salaries of the employees from the system. The young physicians who got to work in rural settlements benefit from 120,000 lei; in this way, we want to bring the health services closer to people. We still have more things to do; we make great efforts on the European integration path, where the citizens will benefit from quality medical services and the physicians – from better working conditions,’’ Maia Sandu said.

For his part, Rector of the Nicolae Testemitanu USMF Emil Ceban congratulated the young people on the taking of the oath of physician and pharmacist. He thanked the students and parents for the fact that they had chosen to make their education at the Nicolae Testemitanu USMF.     

„The today’s event is quite important for those present in the hall. This is an important step in your career. Ever more young people choose to study at the Nicolae Testemitanu USMF. It is about representatives of more states who assemble in Chisinau in the great family of our education institution. Citizens from 40 countries study at the Nicolae Testemitanu USMF in the Romanian, Russian, English and French languages. During all these years, the students have managed to establish cooperation and friendship relations. We thank you that you have chosen our university – institution which is leader in international rankings,’’ Emil Ceban said.    

As many as 1,025 graduates took the solemn oath this year: 604 natives ones and 421 – foreign citizens from 13 countries. A number of 746 graduates finished the syllabus of integrated education in medicine, 152 – stomatology, 48 – pharmacy and 7 – in preventive medicine. At the same, 14 graduates finished the degree syllabi in public health, 11 - general medical assistance, 10 – optometry and 7 – radiological technology.

Another 30 people finished the master education at the programmes: human nutrition – 16, public mental health – 11 and clinic optometry – 3.  


















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