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Moldovan PM demands that institutions consolidate capacities of intervention in extreme situations

17:22 | 12.06.2024 Category: Social

Chisinau, 12 June /MOLDPRES/ - Prime Minister Dorin Recean today demanded that the competent institutions consolidate their capacity of intervention in case of extreme situations. The official made the demand, after the last night storm had caused multiple damages, as two people were crushed by branches thrown down by the wind.   

Dorin Recean conveyed condolences to the families of the people who had died in the wake of the bad weather. ‘’Unfortunately, I saw that we have two deaths. I express condolences to the families. As I said, we must strengthen the capacity to react and prevent such situations,’’ the PM said in the beginning of a today’s cabinet meeting.    

The bad weather from the last night caused damages in more settlements of Moldova, including in the capital, where a force majeure situation was declared.   

„We have spoken many times that we have ever more extreme phenomena. We must prepare for such things to occur with a higher frequency. We should prepare for this, as well as to prepare also the local public administration to promptly intervene in such situations,’’ Dorin Recean said.   

At the same time, the prime minister highlighted the effort of all institutions and their employees, ‘’who worked and intervened quickly for the liquidation of the consequences of the bad weather, including the 112, ambulance physicians, firemen and rescuers, policemen, State Administration of Roads, those who repaired the electricity stations and networks.’’   

Furtuna left mired roads, collapsed trees, broken electricity wires and rescuers, firemen, policemen and carabineers intervened to de-block roads, as well as help people. According to data by the General Inspectorate for Emergency Situations, at noon, 92 settlements from eight districts of Moldova were partially disconnected from power supply.  



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