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New member of Court of Accounts appointed today

13:55 | 04.07.2024 Category: Social

Chisinau, July 4 /MOLDPRES/- Parliament today appointed a new member of the Court of Accounts. Seventy-one MPs voted for Natalia Trofim's candidacy.

Natalia Trofim was selected after a public contest. She has been working at the Court of Accounts for 23 years and is currently head of the General Audit Directorate I.

The members of the Court of Auditors are appointed by the Parliament by a majority vote of the elected Members of the European Parliament for a term of 5 years on a proposal of the President of the Court of Auditors.

The MPs decided to appoint Ion Dudnicenco as an advisor for settlement of appeals to the National Agency for Settlement of Appeals.

Under the law, the National Agency for the Settlement of Appeals has seven advisers. They are appointed by the Parliament, by a majority vote of the MPs present, on the proposal of the Parliamentary Committee on Economy, Budget and Finance, for a seven-year term.



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