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MPs made amendments to state budget

15:57 | 04.07.2024 Category: Economic

Chisinau, July 4 /MOLDPRES/- The budget indicators for this year in terms of revenues, expenditures and deficit are to be amended. Increased allocations will be for health, social insurance, education, infrastructure and agriculture.

Lawmakers voted today in the first reading on the draft amendments to the law on state budget for 2024.

According to the draft, the adjustment of budget indicators takes place as a result of the revised forecast of macroeconomic indicators and against the background of the execution of the state budget in the first five months of this year. The amendment proposed by the Ministry of Finance envisages a reallocation of some identified savings to higher-priority expenditure and an increase in the budget deficit.

The state budget for this year is to be set at 65,830.5 million lei on the revenues, 82,608.3.0 million lei on the expenditure, and the deficit - 16,777.8 million lei.



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