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PM has farewell meeting with deputy head of USAID Moldova

20:15 | 05.07.2024 Category: Official

Chisinau, July 5 /MOLDPRES/- Prime Minister Dorin Recean had a farewell meeting with deputy head of the USAID mission in Moldova John P. Riordan, who is ending his four-year mandate, the government's communication department has reported.

The official expressed gratitude for the constant support given by the American people through USAID.

Dorin Recean thanked John P. Riordan for his contribution to the implementation of several projects in our country, including supporting the economic resilience of our country during the crises of recent years, the development of the EVO platform and the creation of the National Cyber Security Agency.

The premier handed out him Government Honor Diploma as a token of high appreciation for the special merits, as well as for the contribution to the development, strengthening and expansion of interstate relations of friendship and cooperation between the Republic of Moldova and the USA.




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