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Moldovan Prime Minister on 75th anniversary of biggest Stalinist deportation operation

20:57 | 06.07.2024 Category: Official

Chisinau, July 6 /MOLDPRES/- Prime Minister Dorin Recean, together with President Maia Sandu and Speaker Igor Grosu took part today in a rally commemorating the 75th anniversary of the second Stalinist deportation operation of July 5-6, 1949. The country's leadership laid flowers at the monument of the victims of the Soviet regime's deportations and urged citizens to honor their memory, the names of those who knew the terror of those times, the government's communication department has reported.

The official said on the day we commemorate the suffering and unjust fate of the deportees, that everyone should know the past and not forget its horrors.

At the same time, the country's leadership urged citizens to visit the Train of Sorrow exhibition, which opened today in the Great National Assembly Square. This year the exhibition is presented in a new format, with digital and graphic elements, multimedia content, objects, photos and stories from the lives of deported families. Visitors also have access to a library with books about the sad events of the period, including the Book of Memory, where the names of deported relatives can be found. Historians and guides accompany people entering the two carriages in the center of Chisinau. The exhibition also incorporates virtual reality elements so it can be followed from a distance by scanning a QR code.

The deportation of July 1949 is the largest mass deportation on the current territory of the Republic of Moldova, which, according to official data, affected over 35 thousand people or more than 11 thousand families. 









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