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Alexandru Iacub put forward for office of director of Customs Service of Moldova

17:35 | 23.08.2024 Category: Economic

Chisinau, 23 August /MOLDPRES/ - The present secretary general of the Labour and Social Protection Ministry, Alexandru Iacub, is put forward for the office of director of the Customs Service. The Finance Ministry made statements to this effect today.    

According to the quoted source, at a government meeting due on 28 August, Finance Minister Victoria Belous will introduce the candidacy of Alexandru Iacub for the position of director of the Customs Service to the cabinet ministers.  

Alexandru Iacub presently holds the office of secretary general of the Labour and Social Protection Ministry.   

The position of director of the Customs Service remained vacant in early last April, after the former head, Igor Talmazan, had resigned from office. Presently, Viorel Doaga holds the position of acting head of the Customs Service.    


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