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Moldovan electoral body registers first four initiative groups for collection of signatures for backing candidacies for Moldovan president office, one participant in referendum

17:57 | 23.08.2024 Category: Political

Chisinau, 23 August /MOLDPRES/ - The Central Electoral Commission (CEC) today registered the first four initiative groups for the collection of signatures for backing candidacies for the office of Moldova’s president.    

The initiative groups registered will collect signatures for the support of the candidates for the office of Moldova’s president nominated by the Political Party, Party of Development and Consolidation of Moldova (to back Ion Chicu); a group of citizens (to support Vasile Tarlev); the Party of Socialists of Moldova (to back Alexandr Stoianoglo) and the TOGETHER Electoral Bloc (to support Octavian Ticu).   

The initiative groups will collect signatures of the backers till 20 September 2024.  

Also, the Party of Communists of Moldova today was registered as participant in the republican constitutional referendum, due on 20 October 2024, with the option ‘’NO’’.   

The period of submitting the documents on the registration of the initiative groups for supporting the candidates for the office of Moldova’s president started on 21 August 2024 and will end on 31 August 2024. The political parties and electoral blocs can submit application on registration as participant in the referendum till 20 September 2024.  

On 20 October, Moldova’s citizens are expected to come to vote to elect the Moldovan president and to express their opinion at the referendum.


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