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EUROPEAN VILLAGE: Over 1,000 residents from central Moldova village have access to drinking water

14:28 | 03.09.2024 Category: Regional

Chisinau, 3 September /MOLDPRES/ - Another 1,000 people from the Bahmut commune, central Calarasi district, have access to drinking water following the extension of the aqueduct networks through the European Village, edition I, National Programme.  

The project included the construction of 7 km of aqueduct networks and of a reservoir of drinking water with a volume of 50 cubic metres. ‘’Also, over 100 branch pipes were set for 100 households, with over 300 people, including four public institutions: kindergarten, gymnasium, office of family physicians and the mayoralty. The aqueduct network built serves also six economic agents from the settlement. At the same time, the route from the Bahmut railway station was interconnected with the one of the Bahmut village, thus ensuring the access to drinking water for the village-railway station of the commune, which has about 600 residents,’’ the National Office of Regional and Local Development said.      

Bahmut mayor Igor Godea says that the putting into operation of the new water supply network provides access to aqueduct for all residents of the commune.  

The Moldovan government allocated 2.9 million lei (145,000 euros) for this project, through the National Fund for Regional and Local Development.  






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