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Moldova advances in implementing Free Trade Agreement with EFTA countries

14:08 | 04.09.2024 Category: Economic

Chisinau, 4 September /MOLDPRES/ - The Free Trade Agreement with Iceland entered into force starting from 1 September. The next country with which the Agreement will enter into force is Norway, as of 1 November. And Switzerland and Liechtenstein, which are in customs union, come next in the beginning of the 2025 year, according to the Economic Development and Digitalization Ministry (MDED).     

The Free Trade Agreement with the countries of EFTA (European Free Trade Association) (Iceland, Principality of Liechtenstein, Norway and Swiss Confederation) was signed in the summer of the 2023 year and is a historical agreement for Moldova. ‘’It opens new economic opportunities for our country, including the elimination of the customs duties on the imports of industrial and agricultural products on the EFTA markets,’’ MDED said.   

Iceland provided free access to Moldovan products, such as natural honey, wines, cereals and sunflower oil. This agreement means more opportunities for Moldovan exporters, especially in the field of wines, textiles and agricultural products, according to the quoted source.    

The document is important for the diversification of Moldovan exports and for enhancing the country’s presence on international markets.

„The EFTA Agreement is a clear signal that Moldova extends its economic horizons and connects to the global markets more and more,’’ the Economic Development and Digitalization Ministry added.   



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