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WE BRING EUROPE HOME: European Union contributes to consolidation of trust between two banks of Dniester

16:44 | 12.09.2024 Category: Regional

Chisinau, 12 September /MOLDPRES/ - The European Union continues its efforts of improving the cooperation between the communities from both banks of the Dniester river, through joint initiatives which imply local partners, civil society’s organizations and other sides interested. EU allocated four million euros for a new stage of the Confidence Building Measures Programme, implemented by the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP)     

The most recent phase of the programme will be carried out till late 2025, focusing on the following principal components: economic development and creation of new jobs; trans-river topic-related cooperation between the civil society from the two banks; community development and support for the small-scale social infrastructure; promotion of the cultural heritage.     

“The support of the social cohesion and local-level cooperation between the communities from the two banks of the Dniester river is more important than ever. Through the sixth stage of the confidence building measures, EU and its implementation partners contribute to the promotion of joint initiatives for the economic development and creation of decent jobs for women and men, as well as to the development of the community and continuous promotion of culture as essential engine for resistant, fair and inclusive societies,’’ Ambassador of the European Union to Moldova Jānis Mažeiks said.   

Starting from 2009, the EU’s Confidence Building Measures Programme has contributed to the development of 720 enterprises on both banks of Dniester, creating more than 1,900 jobs. Over 125 social infrastructure projects were finished, including repairs of schools, kindergartens and community centres placed on both sides, as well as 12 projects dedicated to the preservation of the cultural heritage through the effort of conservation and restoration.  

Multidimensional support has been provided for projects on business, health and environment, social infrastructure, development of the civil society and cultural heritage during those 15 years of implementation of the EU’s Confidence Building Measures Programme.   



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