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EUROPEAN VILLAGE: Town of south-erastern Moldova district benefit from investments of 7.2 million lei for modernizing infrastructure, improvement of public services

15:15 | 23.09.2024 Category: Regional

Chisinau, 23 September /MOLDPRES/ - The Cainari town of the south-western Causeni district has benefited from investments worth 7.2 million lei on behalf of the Moldovan government for the modernization of the water infrastructure and the public services through the Programmes European Village and Express European Village.   

Thus, the project titled, Rehabilitation and extension of the aqueduct system in the Cainari town, for the zone I, sector II, was implemented through the European Village National Programme, edition I. As a result, about 2,360 residents, six public institutions and 12 economic agents presently benefit from improved access to the aqueduct network.     

The project included the rehabilitation of 12.5 km of aqueduct networks and the extension by 0.8 km of new network. Also, 585 branch pipes were set for households, four branch pipes for blocks of flats and the kindergarten No1, the lyceum, the Cainari emergency medical assistance point, the centre of family physicians and the Alexei Mateevici museum house were connected to aqueduct.      

The overall value of the project implemented in Cainari amounts to 7.9 million lei, of which 6.86 million lei was allocated by the Moldovan government, through the National Funds for Regional and Local Development and the sum of a bit more than one million lei represents the contribution of the local public administration.   

The Cainari town benefited also from another important project for the settlement. The illumination of the park from the town’s centre, based on solar panels, was carried out through the Express European Village Programme. This project envisaged the setting of 36 pillars and the installation of 36 solar panels, which led to 100-per cent coverage of the street illumination on this public area.     

The overall cost of this project is of over 390,000 lei – financial resources allocated by the government through the National Fund for Regional and Local Development.

According to the National Office of Regional and Local Development, 791 km of aqueduct networks were constructed in 116 settlements, with over 150,000 citizens benefiting access to water supply network, within the European Village National Programme, edition I.   





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